NYSERDA Allots $5M for Demo Projects Co-Locating Solar and Agriculture


The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has made $5 million available for demonstration projects that co-locate solar siting and agricultural operations in New York State. 

Through the Environmental Research Program, this funding is slated to support researchers, solar developers, farmers, non-profit organizations and local governments interested in agrivoltaics.

“The integration of agriculture operations and clean energy siting is important to understand the costs, benefits and market potential of locating two essential industries in the same space,” says Doreen M. Harris, NYSERDA president and CEO. 

“We look forward to creating new public-private partnerships that can provide economic and agricultural data to demonstrate the feasibility of co-locating solar and farming to inform a future that meets both New York State’s clean energy and land use priorities.”

Through this competitive solicitation, the authority is accepting proposals to support individual projects integrating both new or retrofitted solar and farm operations such as those with cattle grazing, forage or specialty crop production, with up to $750,000 per project. 

Researchers, solar developers, farmers, non-profit organizations and local governments are eligible to submit proposals that include a solar site design, marketable agricultural commodity, estimates of expected agricultural production and solar generation. Applications will be accepted through September 12.

Projects selected will also be required to share data on costs, benefits and lessons learned, in addition to hosting educational events open to the public to raise awareness of how to design and operate solar sites that integrate agricultural production.

Funding for this initiative is through the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.

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