Steca Releases New Data-Analysis Software For Solar Controller


Germany-headquartered Steca Solar has introduced a new version of its Steca TS Analyzer 2 analysis and visualization software. The company says the software now allows for the acquisition and convenient analysis of data from the master controller and respective slave controllers.

All operating data and balance sheet values, such as temperatures, pump running times, heat volumes and flow rates, can be graphically displayed using the Steca TS Analyzer 2. Measurements can be displayed and analyzed in detail, even over long periods of time, Steca adds.

New analysis and visualization features for typical master-slave controller combinations have been added. This allows separate acquisition and reliable analysis of data from the master controller and the respective bus slave participants TE A603, TH A603 MS and TF A603 KS.

In addition to the comprehensive range of graphical displays, a new tabular display option has been added. This addition provides an easy method of displaying yield information – such as volume flows or heat quantities – on a daily basis or over a specified period of time, according to Steca.

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