Sunrun Surpasses 1M Residential Solar Customers


Sunrun says it is the first and only storage-plus-solar company to surpass 1 million customers in the U.S., accounting for one in every five home solar systems installed in the country.

“The customer-led revolution to greater energy independence for so many Americans is well under way,” says Sunrun CEO Mary Powell. 

“The aging and increasingly costly power grid can no longer provide the stability, comfort and peace of mind that generating and storing your own clean energy can. Sunrun has positively impacted so many lives; from easing the burden of rising energy costs to keeping homes powered during extended outages, the countless stories our customers share truly inspire us. Thank you to our customers, partners and employees for helping us reach this remarkable milestone.”

Sunrun has offered solar as a subscription service since 2007. In 2016, it introduced battery storage to its core offering. Last year, the company pivoted to a storage-first strategy.

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