Trimark Integrates ISO-New England Solar Plant Future Availability Capabilities


Trimark Associates Inc. says it has integrated the ISO-New England (ISO-NE) Solar Plant Future Availability (SPFA) functionality into its SCADA platform.

This addition combines real-time data with other sources to provide the ISO-mandated hourly and daily forecasts of solar power generation. The integration leverages Trimark’s cloud-based Vantage system to collect site data, combine it with operational real-time information, and then automatically process and submit the forecasts to the ISO’s RPLAN web service.

For example, collecting customer (AES) specified real-time point values and combining them with derate power information that AES operational staff entered via a Vantage user interface. This data is processed on Trimark’s hosted Microsoft Azure cloud platform and sent to the ISO-NE. ISO-NE requires short-term hourly forecasts (every hour for the next 48 hours) and daily longer-term daily forecasts (2-9 days out).

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