Two Pennsylvania Townships Announce 100% Renewable Energy Goals


On March 6, the Schuylkill Township Board of Supervisors in Pennsylvania unanimously approved a resolution to transition the township to 100% renewable energy.

Days after Schuylkill’s commitment, Whitemarsh Township also adopted a similar resolution. Both resolutions aim to use 100% renewable sources for electricity by 2035 and for heating and transportation by 2050, says the Sierra Club. The two townships join a contingent of 10 other southeastern Pennsylvania communities that are leading the state in establishing a goal for an all-renewable future.

“The very first section of the resolution cites the commitment of the board of supervisors to the health, safety, livability, prosperity, independence and security of Schuylkill Township and its residents,” says Jonathan Meyers from the Schuylkill Township Environmental Advisory Council, who introduced the resolution. “Those six values, and our commitment to them, are the best reasons to support a resolution for a clean energy transition.”

“Township officials across the region are realizing that the more municipalities that set 100 percent goals, the more accumulated purchasing power we will have for our communities to attract competitive bids for clean, renewable energy and efficiency products and transition planning,” adds Jim Wylie, Sierra Club southeastern Pennsylvania group chair.

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