Aerocompact Offers Flat Roof Systems for Green Roofs, Bifacial PV Modules


Aerocompact, which specializes in the production of aerodynamic substructures for the photovoltaic industry, has released the CompactFLAT GS system. It is a highly elevated flat roof system that has been specifically developed for installation on green roofs as well as for applications with bifacial modules. With this racking solution, performance-enhancing effects of the PV modules are achieved and the necessary distance to green roof surfaces can be maintained.

The CompactFLAT GS model has been specially developed for flat roof applications in combination with bifacial modules. Flat roofs are widely planted, but traditional flat roof systems are only suitable for green roof applications to a limited extent. The plant cover requires light and care. This can only be ensured with a highly raised system with good accessibility. No wind deflectors are required for a south-facing solution, which prevents the reflection of light. There is no ballast under the bifacial module – a free reflective surface is therefore guaranteed

The CompactFLAT GS as a system solution for flat roofs is available in two versions: the model for a south-facing solution with a module inclination of 15° (CompactFLAT GS15) and the model for an east/west-facing solution with a module inclination of 10° (CompactFLAT GS10PLUS).

Aerocompact has 14 locations around the globe with headquarters in Austria, the U.S. and India.

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