Nextracker Delivers First U.S.-Manufactured Solar Trackers


Nextracker says it has shipped and delivered the industry’s first U.S.-manufactured solar trackers in the United States, which are expected to achieve 100% domestic content value for solar trackers under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

The first project to receive these domestic content trackers is SB Energy’s Pelican’s Jaw project. The 570 MW solar and 954 MWh storage project is currently under construction by SOLV Energy.

Nextracker began investing in local manufacturing infrastructure in 2021 to establish a secure supply chain following disruptions during the global pandemic. Together with its manufacturing partners, the company has now expanded or opened more than 25 U.S. factories with over 30 GW of annual capacity.

“Delivering the industry’s first trackers with 100% domestic content value is a huge milestone for our customers, our supply partners, and Nextracker,” says Dan Shugar, Nextracker’s founder and CEO. “It demonstrates our ability to ramp and scale operations that directly benefit our customers – and sets a new standard for local supply chain resilience and operational excellence.”

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