Berkeley Company Offsetting 90% Of Electric Bill With Solar


GU Energy Labs, a family-owned business that produces sports nutrition products, has installed a new solar PV system at its headquarters in Berkeley, Calif.

The 206.4 kW rooftop system, installed by Sun Light & Power (SLP), is expected to offset 90% of GU’s electric bill for the property. It has an estimated annual production of 325,000 kWh and consists of 606 SunPower modules, five SolarEdge inverters and 304 SolarEdge power optimizers.

According to Eric Nyman, director of sales and marketing at SLP, the system’s energy production is equivalent to reducing carbon-dioxide emissions by 242 metric tons per year.

“This new PV system is designed to last for at least 30 years, which will help the company become less dependent on the local utility for electricity. We are very happy to have been given this opportunity to partner with another organization that values sustainability and environmental accountability,” Nyman says.

Jessica Carroll, GU’s sustainability manager, also stresses the company’s commitment to clean energy.

“We manufacture all our gels at the Berkeley headquarters and are proud to say that our Energy Gels are now produced with renewable energy,” she notes.

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