California Mushroom Producer Cuts Energy Costs With Solar


Hokto Kinoko Co., a grower and producer of mushroom superfoods in California, is using solar to reduce its energy costs.

Before Revel Energy installed a solar project at Hokto’s production and research facility in San Marcos, the building used over 2,710,000 kWh per year. In addition, the facility needed a new roof.

“They were consuming a lot of electricity,” explains Martin Brix, Revel Energy’s vice president of solutions. “Solar power alone was not going to drastically lower their power bill.” Brix determined there was a need to add an energy storage system to knock off peak demand charges.

Revel Energy installed a total of 2,960 360 W monocrystalline solar panels and a 285 kW / 405 kWh energy storage system. Now, Hotko supplements its energy consumption from San Diego Gas & Electric with 60% renewable energy.

“They were essentially able to save a major portion of their power bill with this solution,” Brix says. “By taking advantage of the savings, 30 percent federal tax credit and accelerated depreciation, they offset the cost of their new roof. Solar was the vehicle to offset a major expense – in this case, it was a new commercial roof.”

Considering rising energy costs, Hokto will save an estimated $9.7 million over 25 years. Revel explains that a commercial solar installation is essential to control California’s rising utility costs, averaging 6% growth per year.

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