Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, REC Solar Partner on Array


Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) and REC Solar have completed a 2.16 MW solar array near Central San’s treatment plant in Martinez, Calif.

Central San hired ARC Alternatives to explore expanding its PV footprint and identify energy efficiency opportunities at its facilities. REC Solar designed, engineered, procured and constructed the fixed-tilt, ground mount solar array on a repurposed portion of a 48-acre buffer property near Central San’s Martinez wastewater treatment plant.

“We’re thrilled to have collaborated and partnered with Central San and ARC Alternatives on a solar project that is helping the district reach both its economic and sustainability goals,” says Robb Jetty, REC Solar CEO. 

“This project is a clear example of how solar, particularly when financed as a power purchase agreement, can deliver real value to organizations and the surrounding communities. We look forward to continuing to see the impact this project will have in the future.”  

The project was financed as a 25-year PPA. As part of the agreement, REC Solar is set to continue O&M services for the solar array over the PPA’s lifespan.

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