CT Manufacturer Goes Solar Using State Incentives


Farrel Pomini, a global manufacturer of equipment and machinery for the polymer processing industry, has a new 390 kW solar installation atop its Farrel Corp. headquarters in Ansonia, Conn.

The EnterSolar rooftop project is expected to produce 475,505 kWh of clean energy annually to offset 63% of the facility’s electricity usage.

“We are always looking for ways to offset our carbon footprint, and this project was a no-brainer,” comments Paul Zepp, site director for Farrel Pomini. “While we work with many of our customers in the polymer processing industry on their sustainability and recycling projects, it was now our turn to do the same with our operations.”

David Cassetti, mayor of the City of Ansonia, commends the manufacturer for “making sound decisions while being respectful of the effect those decisions may have on their community.”

“This is a very forward-looking solution to the energy problems manufacturers face in Connecticut and across the country,” Cassetti adds.

For the solar project, the company made use of several incentives, including Connecticut’s Zero-Emission Renewable Energy Credit (ZREC) program. The ZREC program provides a fixed price for all of the environmental attributes produced during the project’s initial 15 years, enabling Farrel Pomini to receive revenue from the system’s energy generation, in addition to savings on its utility bill. The project also benefits from net metering, which allows the company to send power to the grid for credits when the solar system produces more than is needed on-site. The company can then use these credits at a time when the system production is lower than their electricity demand.

“EnterSolar has been developing commercial solar systems in Connecticut for more than a decade,” notes Paul Ahern, founder of EnterSolar. “Our deep experience and knowledge of the state’s solar incentives allowed us to provide Farrel Pomini with a solar solution that advanced their sustainability efforts and made economic sense. We are proud to work with companies such as Farrel Pomini to help them meet their environmental and financial goals.”

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