ENGIE Signs REC Agreement With N.J. School


Princeton Day School, a private New Jersey school serving pre-K through Grade 12 students, has announced a new renewable energy deal with ENGIE Resources.

Under a five-year agreement, Princeton Day School will receive Green-e renewable energy certificates (RECs) equal to 100% of the school’s electricity usage. The RECs represent the environmental benefits equal to the removal of more than 500 gasoline-powered passenger motor vehicles from highways every year through 2024.

Green-e RECs are determined by the Center for Resource Solutions to be independently verified to represent the environmental benefits of 1 MWh of renewable energy.

“Our goal is to nurture a culture of environmental stewardship by working simultaneously in the areas of facilities, behavior and curriculum. We want our graduates to understand that how they use resources affects the ability of future generations to also use those resources,” states Dulany Gibson, assistant head of school for finance and operations. “Executing an environmentally responsible, fixed-price, long-term energy contract helps us lead by example with fiscal and ecological benefits.”

Brad McIntyre, senior business development manager for ENGIE, adds, “By participating in our renewable energy certificates program, Princeton Day School helps reduce energy costs and improve grid stability and accrues LEED certification points to further demonstrate their commitment to running a sustainable and efficient campus.”

According to the partners, the agreement will provide the campus with budget certainty while also encouraging the development of new wind and solar projects.

Photo: David Keddie [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)]

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