Hansel Auto Group Prepares For EV Surge By Installing Solar, Storage


Hansel Auto Group, together with MBL Energy and NantEnergy, has unveiled solar-plus-storage projects at eight of its car dealership locations in Sonoma County, Calif.

The systems – engineered and installed by San Jose, Calif.-based MBL Energy – feature a total of 1.56 MW of solar PV integrated with 567 kWh of NantEnergy’s behind-the-meter SmartStorage systems. The systems are expected to save the auto group up to $14.3 million over the next 25 years and help diversify its energy supply as it prepares for the expected growth of the electric vehicle (EV) market.

“Automakers the world over have made significant investments in EVs, with attractive EV options in new vehicle segments being rolled out every year,” says Henry Hansel, president of Hansel Auto Group. “At Hansel, we are committed to a sustainable future from the cars we sell to how we operate our dealerships. MBL Energy and NantEnergy share this commitment to renewable energy and together provide the ideal solar and battery storage technologies to take our auto group through the next quarter century and beyond.”

“California’s auto industry has recognized the outsized impact it can have on the environment and our quality of life with the transition to cleaner electric vehicles and supporting them with renewable sources of power,” says Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, chairman of NantEnergy. “We are proud to partner with MBL Energy to bring solar and energy storage solutions to Hansel Auto Group to help them meet the demand from California’s consumers and state regulators for cleaner transportation options and energy sustainability.”

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