Morgan Solar Debuts New Analytics Portal


Morgan Solar says its IV-DAQ in-situ IV curve tracer has received certification, and the company has launched a complementary analytics portal.

The IV DAQ provides accurate full IV curve traces as well as panel voltage, current, temperature and string current. The web-based analytics portal captures data from the IV DAQ alongside other meteorological sensors and presents a suite of tools for presentation and analysis.

Data capture as often as once per minute gives users robust data sets in little time, the company says. This enables tracking of key performance drivers that have been challenging to isolate and monitor to be validated and quantified, from bifacial performance to potential-induced-degradation and more. In addition, the integrated performance data is accurately translated to standard test conditions and compared against the modules’ age-adjusted warrantied performance.

“A key way for companies to achieve their ESG goals is to increase the uptake of new solar technologies, which in turn requires them to be bankable,” says Hugo Navarro, vice president at Morgan Solar. “By using IV DAQs and the analytics portal to create a project’s digital twin, we’re helping to validate those technologies and point the way to better project design and operation.”

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