Russelectric Debuts Utility Paralleling Systems for Renewable Energy Installations


Russelectric, a Siemens business focused on automatic transfer switches and power control systems, has released its Paralleling System – a technology that ensures critical loads experience no interruption when transferring between all power source assets in renewable energy installations.

The company says the UL-listed system can be configured for peak shaving and utility-sponsored load curtailment programs and offers high resiliency, power continuity and security for critical renewable energy installations.

The system incorporates dual, redundant, hot synchronized programmable logic controllers (PLCs) for system control. Discrete switches, meters and control devices are standard to allow manual control capability in the event that both system PLCs fail. Users get soft loading transfer and phase lock synchronizing when paralleling with the utility, which reduces transients and controls the loading to the engine generators.

Russelectric notes that it provides basic or custom SCADA for local or remote monitoring of all power system functions. Custom SCADA systems allow users to monitor system operation, acknowledge alarms and review PLC setpoints. Realistic training simulators are also available.

The company adds that selector switches are provided for open/closed transition, automatic/manual paralleling of generators and utility sources, and automatic/manual retransfer between both sources of power. The system offers a choice of either momentary paralleling with the utility or sustained paralleling for soft loading. Also available is paralleling of generator sets with the utility upon return of the utility source after power interruption.

System operation begins with testing in closed-transition mode with no interruption of the load. Generators are then paralleled with the utility, and the load is transferred to them. Upon completion of testing, the load is retransferred through closed-transition to the utility source without disturbance.

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