Secure Solar Futures Signs PPA With Roanoke City Public Schools


Secure Solar Futures has signed a 25-year PPA with Roanoke City Public Schools (RCPS) to develop a 1.7 MW system. 

The company will install a total of 3,667 solar panels manufactured by Trina Solar at seven locations: Fallon Park and Fishburn Park elementary schools; James Breckinridge, John P. Fishwick, Lucy Addison, and Woodrow Wilson middle schools; and the William B. Robertson central administration building.

Construction will begin early next year and is slated to be complete by 2024’s close.

“Going solar helps Roanoke City Public Schools protect their budgets against volatility in utility costs that is likely in the future,” says Anthony Smith, Secure Solar Futures president and co-founder. “And hosting solar energy systems on site makes RCPS a leader in protecting the environment while offering students hands-on opportunities to learn about renewable energy and tap into the 21st century economy.”

In its first year, the system is set to produce 2,287,402 kWh of electric power, offsetting nearly 39% of the electricity demand of the seven locations combined, says the company. 

Arrays will be installed at no upfront cost to RCPS. After installation, Secure Solar Futures will own, operate and maintain the equipment, selling the clean energy produced to the school division at a cost generally lower than the rate charged by the local electric utility for the term of the PPA. 

“Utilizing solar power, as set forth in our strategic plan, will allow RCPS to be better stewards of our environment,” says Dr. Verletta White, superintendent of Roanoke City Public Schools. 

At the conclusion of the PPA, RCPS will take ownership of the system at no additional cost, producing its own energy for the remainder of the equipment’s expected 35- to 40-year productive lifespan.

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