Solar-Log, Kitu Offer Rule 21 Solutions in California


Solar-Log, an energy monitoring and management company, and Kitu Systems Inc. are collaborating to offer solar plant monitoring, control and communication solutions that meet the new California Rule 21 mandate. 

Starting March 22, under California’s Rule 21 mandate, all smart inverters deployed with solar and energy storage installations in California are required to be capable of communications with the utility and provide a set of grid-support functions.

By combining Solar-Log’s hardware-agnostic WEB Enerest solar monitoring, controlling and energy management software with Kitu Systems’ CSIP-certified Spark client and Convoy aggregator, the two companies will accelerate market availability of a solution capable of grid-support functions, benefiting both solar and storage providers and end customers.

“Our company is committed to further the development of clean energy, and we strongly believe this requires the concerted operation of distributed energy resources with the electrical grid,” says Rick Kornfeld, CEO of Kitu Systems. 

“One of the main challenges is to rapidly reach a large scale in terms of connected resources: Solar-Log enables a significant market coverage from day one,” he adds.  

In the initial phase, the cooperation between Kitu Systems and Solar-Log will focus on California and the U.S. An extension of the cooperation to other markets with the same or similar requirements in accordance with Rule 21 will take place within the framework of the market and product strategy of both companies.

Photo: Solar-Log provides inverter-agnostic performance monitoring to identify underperforming solar PV plants

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