Standard Solar Acquires Trina Solar Portfolio in Rhode Island


Standard Solar Inc. is expanding its community solar portfolio in Rhode Island with the acquisition of a combined 6.2 MW of projects from Trina Solar.

The Portsmouth-located West Main 1 and West Main 2 ground-mount community solar projects were developed by Trina Solar. These new projects will allow subscribers – a mix of state agencies, quasi-state agencies, municipalities, public housing authorities, public schools, private schools, non-profits, federal government and hospitals – in the National Grid service territory to benefit from clean energy savings by offsetting their electricity bills with solar energy.

All the power generated will be subscribed utilizing the state’s Virtual Net Metering program.

“Partnerships in this industry are critical to delivering successful solar projects,” says Michael Streams, Standard Solar’s chief development officer. “We’re honored to be a trusted development partner of Trina’s, particularly in helping Rhode Island grow its clean energy footprint, and look forward to growing our mutually beneficial relationship as our company launches its next growth phase.”

“We are very happy to get the chance to collaborate with Standard Solar, one of the fastest growing developers and operators of community solar,” states Linhui Sui, president of Trina Solar’s International Solar System Business Unit (Trina ISBU). “We are committed to developing similar systems to expand broader customer access for local, clean, and affordable community solar.”

Combined, the arrays are expected to produce approximately 8,600 MWh of energy annually. Both projects are expected to be completed in 2023.

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