Scanifly, a solar software platform that uses drones and 3D modeling to automate site surveying and design, has gained key approvals from both the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC).

NYSERDA and MassCEC have approved Scanifly’s shading tools as a verifiable method for solar system design and analysis in New York and Massachusetts, respectively. To gain acceptance, the state agencies reviewed numerous solar projects designed in Scanifly’s software of varying sizes and geographies. NYSERDA and MassCEC’s validation means that solar companies using Scanifly can now obtain incentives and financing – significant economic benefits – for their projects, the company explains.

With Scanifly, system designers can analyze their projects with real-world context within inches of accuracy. They do not have to rely on satellite imagery, guess the heights of trees and other obstructions, or use handheld tools on the roof.

The workflow entails three steps: (1) Site surveyors fly a drone capturing pictures of the site’s features. This takes, on average, 10 minutes for residential properties and 20 minutes for commercial ones; (2) Surveyors upload the drone imagery directly to Scanifly’s software, which automatically creates a to-scale, virtual 3D model of the site; and (3) PV system designers click anywhere in the 3D model to generate a solar access viewshed, thus automatically creating a bankable shade report.

“We’re bringing a lower-cost, more accurate and safer solution to solar installers all over the world,” says John Novak, CEO of Scanifly.

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